There’s a war of the sexes going on at my house. My kitty, Sneezy, just “became of age.” You know … she’s in season . . . in heat. The poor kid is a horny teen-ager who wants to get laid, and she’s being quite vocal about it - twenty-four hours a day. She runs from window to window, door to door, trying to get outside to take care of her little “needs.” I don't let her go outside because she hasn’t been spayed. I’ll be damned if she’s going to make me drop her babies off at the shelter and stare at me with flat eyes of resentment the rest of her life. No way.
Being as quick as lightening, she has escaped a few times. I have to go out and chase her around and around the bushes, across the porch, away from the street, and crawl under the car, just to have her dart out the other side. She likes that game even better than Hide and Seek the Mousie. Just when I think I can reach and grab her, she sticks her tongue out, springs six feet into the air, and vanishes. It usually takes about half an hour of tempting her with toys and tuna to finally catch her. When I spank her little butt, she puts her legs into overdrive, scoots around the corner, slides down the hall, jumps up on Misty’s bed and pouts for … count ‘em … one, two, three seconds, until she’s off to find new ways to terrorize me.
Poor Catfish can’t even enjoy a decent meal without her sniffing at his butt. He gives her a tired look of disdain. Undeterred, she crawls halfway under him, searching for something to satisfy, then looks up at me as if to tell me he’s defective. She wails even louder and scoots away on her elbows, her butt in the air, flaunting her feminine wiles with an air of superiority. She still has all her parts.
My husband insists I lock her in Misty’s room (farthest from the TV) during the evening, and in the front part of the house at night, but I won’t do it. I remind him of how it feels to be without, how it can feel that way again, and threaten to lock him in our room alone the next time he has needs. This does not set well with him. “Then make her shut up,” he says. “Fine, the next time you come crawling, I’ll tell you to shut up, how’s that?” I shoot back. The expression on his face is one of total fear. Me 2, Husband 0.
This is Sneezy’s first uh … time. Her little hormones are raging and all she understands is that she wants a boyfriend. She doesn’t know why it’s happening, but she’s very clear on what to do about it. I used to know a guy who stuck a pencil up – well, you get the idea. It worked, too, but I just can’t bring myself to accommodate her on that front. Do they make little battery-powered sex kitten toys? Maybe I’ll write a letter to Santa for her.
You can get her spayed at any time. Even during pregnancy. Kitty abortions are done all the time.
ReplyDeleteHi Roxan. Where have I seen your avatar before? The spaying will come soon. Maybe after Christmas.
ReplyDeleteProbably on OTR along with another dreadful picture of me. LOL
ReplyDeleteAw, the poor little thing. I feel her pain. Since you don't want her dating, I'll see what I can do about getting up a kitty-toy drive for her.:)
ReplyDeleteAaron Lazar
I tried a hundred times to post this on your blog. It just kept rejecting my password, even though in other screens (my blog) I could log on!
"Val, you had me laughing out loud at work again! You're gonna get me in trouble! I could SO see this - we used to raise Himalayans long ago (before we started raising kids) and I remember those female kitties when they were in heat. Wow. Noisy and definitely needy! LOL. Thanks for the laugh and good luck standing up for little Sneezy with your husband! Keep up the good work, kittens need someone to defend them in times of need!"
Awwwww. Thanks SJ! What a sweet thought. Or a dirty one - I'm not sure which.:-)
ReplyDeleteRoxan - OTR? I suppose I should know, but I don't. I just visited your blog though, and only good people are there. You must be an okay person. Welcome to mine!
Aaron - I wonder if it has anything to do with having my comment moderation on? Thanks for the thumbs up. Sometimes I think because men don't have those times of the month, they just don't get it. I guess since you've been married as long as you have and have three daughters, you may be a step ahead of the average male population.
Is anyone else having a problem making comments here? That's a dumb question, isn't it? If you are you can't very well tell me, can you? You can send me an e-mail, though. redheartnovels@lesiavalentine.com
HA! Cute *and* funny. My cat Tasha has been spayed for about 10 years yet still walks around crying. I always thought this was because she likes to be around people and was lonely...but now that I've read this, Lesia, I'm thinking she might actually be horny. For the last 10 years. Every day.
ReplyDeleteThat's gotta suck.
Hey Amy. Some cats are just very vocal cats, yanno. Or maybe yours takes after you? I love your blog. You are so damned funny.
ReplyDeletewell you have seen me so that's the important thing! I try my best to be a good person, at least on the outside LOL. Thanks, I've enjoyed reading your blog.
ReplyDeleteI liked yours, too, Roxan. I'll visit again soon.
ReplyDeleteI have three female cats, one is still a kitten, so I feel ya! The first time the oldest went into heat, I thought my nearly 10 year old daughter was going to lose it with laughing so much. I had to explain the cat version of the birds and bees to her!
ReplyDeleteKittens can be spayed at 4 months I believe. I'll have to ask my daughter to be sure. She's a Vet Tech.
ReplyDeleteI have two cats. Male and female. Brian and Kiddoe. Before Kiddoe we had Lily. Lily died of cancer. Kiddoe was a rescue after the litter was abandoned by the mother. Had to be bottle fed in the beginning. Brian is just a big baby. LOL
Juju, if your daughter is ten, you may need to give her the human version soon.
ReplyDeleteGeez, Roxan, your family must be pretty spread out, huh? A grown daughter and a baby. I guess we know what you've been doing! Juju, come over and tell Roxan about the birds and bees.
I said Brian the cat is a big baby. My babies aren't babies anymore. Well sometimes I do wonder about the youngest one. LOL
ReplyDeleteWho is that in the picture with you, Roxan? It's such a tiny picture. I'm confused!
ReplyDeleteLOL, I have started the human birds and bees version wiht her. I got her a book about all the stuff girls go through as a starter. She took the book into the bathroom, shut the door, and later came out with a page bookmarked. She tossed the book at me and told me that she found something disturbing, but had a smile on her face. The page was about periods and feminine sanitary products. I've actually been talking to her about the human body, complete with books since before she could read. She has a large book about the human body, and once took it to school, I think it might have been first grade. The teacher told her that she thought the book was too advanced for her. Of course Dallis, (my daughter) was still a beginning reader at that point, but she knew enough to ask questions. Books are our thing around here. At a teacher conference, the teacher brought up some of the books Dallis had. She made some mention that Dallis couldn't read them yet, I told her, "But she will, and I read them to her now." The teacher had nothing to say after that. My daugher loves to read and is an advanced reader. Heck, I was buying books for her long before she was a twinkle in the eye of the sky!
ReplyDeleteOh that baby. LOL Sorry.
ReplyDeleteThat's my son. He was about 2 years old in the picture, although he looks 6 months old. He was very small for his age. He's now 15 years old and still shorter than his sisters. Sometimes I miss those days, but sometimes I don't.
Val, you had me laughing out loud at work again! You're gonna get me in trouble! I could SO see this - we used to raise Himalayans long ago (before we started raising kids) and I remember those female kitties when they were in heat. Wow. Noisy and definately needy! LOL. Thanks for the laugh and good luck standing up for little Sneezy with your husband! Keep up the good work, kittens need someone to defend them in times of need!
ReplyDeleteRoxan - time to get a new picture, girl!
ReplyDeleteBut I like that picture. Reminds me of the days when I could corral him and keep him in one place. Mind you he did escape a lot until I took his crib apart and started using a side of it for a gate.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDelete12 weeks, Lesia. You can spay them at 12 weeks. It's SOP in all the rescue societies out here.
ReplyDeleteThere are fewer complications, a quicker recovery time, and both of you are saved from the torments!
Bonnie and Roxan, my vet wouldn't spay her until she was six months old. They said doing so before then could kill her! As soon as she turned six months, we had it done. She was in pain for a few days, but is now back to her young self and terrorizing me more than ever.